Residents invited to have say in public consultation on Prince’s Gate development

RESIDENTS ARE invited to have their say this week on proposals for the flagship Prince’s Gate at Oldham Mumps development.

Plans: Ideas for the Marks and Spencer store

Last November Oldham Council unveiled initial plans for their ‘gamechanger’ regeneration scheme which aims to transform the town centre’s eastern gateway with new shops, quality homes and jobs.

This phased development includes plans for up to 800 homes, including apartments, and around 700 car parking spaces overall.

A new retail development delivering around 150,000 sq ft of new space – including a 51,000 sq ft Marks & Spencer food and clothing store – is central to the plans.

And now the local authority is launching a public consultation on its proposals by inviting the public this week to a special ‘drop in’ consultation event.

Locals can view the proposals in a mini-exhibition, submit comments and quiz officers and the project design team.

The event will be held at 17-19 Mumps (next to Kava Coffee Shop) on Friday, 27 February from 10am to 5pm, and on Saturday, 28 February from 10am to 4pm.

Jim McMahon, Oldham Council Leader, said: “Prince’s Gate at Oldham Mumps is vital to the future of our town centre.”

“With the arrival of the Metrolink line our eastern gateway is opening up as a fantastic new opportunity and we must capitalise by attracting new high street names, offering quality town centre living options and finding a modern use for the Old Bank building.

“That’s why this is a really exciting scheme – a gamechanger – that is all about our aspirations for Oldham town centre.

“Prince’s Gate is also important to our wider regeneration plans. It’s designed to complement our growing Independent Quarter, which will create a natural link between this new development and the Old Town Hall ODEON cinema, Parliament Square and the Spindles Town Square shopping centre.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to get the right facilities people want to see here in Oldham – and to significantly improve what it offers residents, businesses and visitors.

“To help us get this right it’s essential that we hear your views. Whether you’re a local trader, shopper or resident, I would urge anyone with a few minutes to spare to drop in to this event and view the plans. Your input could be vital in shaping the final scheme.”

A planning application for phase one of the scheme – to relocate the existing Park and Ride on the opposite side of Mumps – was submitted last month.

The next significant phase would be the opening of the new retail development – including the M&S store – and is set for 2017.

A future Cabinet report will set out all the delivery options for this development with a full financial analysis.

More information about the plans, including videos and FAQs – is available online.