Road safety signs increased in Delph

NEW road safety measures have been introduced in Delph to help address long-standing worries around pain points at the High Street bridge and on Hill End Road.

There have been concerns of HGV traffic using Hill End Road and numerous ‘stand-off’ driver moments as vehicles approach the bridge across the river Tame.

The new measures introduced to tackle these problems include priority signage either side of the bridge to clearly state the correct right of way.

New road signage in Delph | Photo by Gemma Carter

However, a new post outside the former Rose and Crown pub has attracted criticism of its siting in the middle of the footpath.

There are also revised road markings on the High Street side of the bridge to tell vehicles not to pass at a narrower section of the road.

And warning signage has been erected at the junction with Hill End Road to remind motorists of the lack of passing places on the road itself.

Saddleworth North councillor Pam Byrne said: “There has been some volume of vehicular traffic travelling down Denshaw Road and using Hill End Road to cut through to the A62 via Rumbles Lane.

“This traffic from larger commercial vehicles cannot be accommodated by these
single-track roads, and hopefully now the drivers will think again.”

Cllr Luke Lancaster added: “I can appreciate that signage doesn’t fit comfortably in Delph’s historic setting and I did ask whether the sign nearby the Chippy was needed.

“Unfortunately Department for Transport regulations requires the two signs being a pair, but with a bit of luck, the new measures will be effective in reducing irresponsible drivers pushing their way through against the right of way.”

• Last September, Cllr Lancaster helped secure dropped kerbs around Delph to make it easier for people using mobility scooters and wheelchairs or pushing prams to get around.

The improvements were made following approaches by local residents to Cllr Lancaster, who liaised with Oldham Council and Unity Partnership to get the works carried out.

2 Replies to “Road safety signs increased in Delph”

  1. Road signage is irrelevant to “bullies”. This initiative will make no difference!!

  2. The biggest problem on Delph High St is the lazy motorists who park illegally on the double yellow lines whilst they pop in the Co-op! Please can the Police and the authorities deal with these antisocial beings and remind them that the law does and will be applied to them!
    Strange how it is only in Delph we have this problem. Despite it being so obvious why it is not safe or suitable to park there!

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