SADDLEWORTH GOLF Club’s annual past captains and past presidents’ dinner was a chance to reminisce.
Twenty-six past captains and presidents attended the event at the club, the most senior past captain being Tony Griffiths from 1984.
And the longest-standing president in attendance was Harold Hawkins from 1986. Also present was Keith Nicholson who was captain in the same year.
The event was organised by Andy Dunster, the 2014 captain.
The Village Shield was won by a team representing Springhead, Scouthead and Lees and comprised Peter Beswick (39pts), Mike Taylor (37), David Pullen (34) and David Green (33).
Jon Fancy was the overall individual winner with 40 points.
A yellow ball competition, held as part of the Village Shield, was won by Lee Blainey, Alan Squires and Jon Fancy.