Saddleworth Parish Council looks into securing Satellite Centre in Greenfield

By Trevor Baxter

‘WE WANT our land and building back’ is the call from Saddleworth Parish Councillors to Oldham Council bosses as the debate continues over the future of Greenfield’s Satellite Centre.

The Wellington Road facility, which opened in 1966, is up for grabs after OMBC ended youth provision there earlier this year as part of £35 million savings.

satellite centre greenfield smaller
The Satellite Centre in Greenfield

A tender process for potential tenants is expected to open in July with various local and national groups already expressing an interest in taking the building on.

And now Saddleworth Parish Council is exploring the possibility of reclaiming the well-known local landmark, which passed into Oldham control in 1974, for community use through as community asset transfer.

Parish councillors unanimously agreed at their last meeting to adopt an ownership model proposed by Cllr Rob Knotts as a basis of exploration and they have submitted a formal request to OMBC.

“We might not have a legal claim but we do have a strong moral claim for the land and the building,” said Cllr Knotts.

“The Centre wouldn’t be for Saddleworth Parish Council to run but for the assets to be transferred to us and then, for a peppercorn rent, let a consortium manage, operate and maintain it.

“The land was bought in 1961 for £7,500 by Saddleworth Urban District Council using money paid in rates by the residents of Saddleworth. Today that equates to around £154,000.

“The building cost £28,000 in 1966 which is now around £480,000,” he added while presenting a 10-page dossier to a meeting of the Parish Council.

“If the Parish Council takes ownership I would like to think we can ensure a sustained future for the building.

“There might be other organisations. But would they be focused on potential activities for the whole of the community?”

With Oldham Council refusing to release details of running costs for the Satellite Centre, Cllr Knotts estimated annual figures to be around £57,000, including salaries for manager and caretaker.

Backing the proposals Cllr Graham Sheldon said: “I do in principle agree with the suggested way ahead and I do believe Saddleworth Parish Council can take on board this asset.

“I am in favour of SPC owning it rather than a club or a group so that it will be monitored and used for all of the community.”

Councillor Brian Lord was a driving force behind turning Springhead’s former Drill Hall into a Community Centre.

“It was a long hard battle,” he confirmed. “But the basic idea was sound and was very much along the likes of what Cllr Knotts has put forward.

“The last thing we want is an individual group to control what is something that belongs to Saddleworth. It has got to be available to everybody.”

No decision on future ownership of the Satellite Centre has yet been taken and any interested groups can still contact Oldham Council prior to the centre going out to tender.