Saddleworth School shut to Year 9 pupils for two weeks after confirmed Covid-19 case

SADDLEWORTH School is closed to Year 9 students until Thursday, September 24 after a pupil in that year tested positive for Covid-19.

Headteacher Mike Anderson announced the confirmed case in a letter to parents and carers, which was published on the school’s website, and asked that no pupils in Year 9 return for two weeks.

Saddleworth School in Uppermill

He wrote: “Unfortunately, a student in Year 9 has tested positive for Covid-19. They attended school on Wednesday (September 9).

“I have taken guidance from Oldham’s Public Health Team and they have recommended that we close school to Year 9 until Thursday, September 24. This will be 14 days from when any contact could have taken place.

“This means that you will need to keep your child at home, and they must self-isolate for 14 days. Only they need to self-isolate, other members of their household do not need to self-isolate.

“It is important that we are all aware of the symptoms of Covid-19 and only well children attend school.

“If you or your child being to show symptoms you must follow the national guidance. For most people, coronavirus will be a mild illness.

headteacher Mr Anderson

“However, if you develop symptoms you must self-isolate at home arrange to have a test to see if you have Covid-19 – visit NHS.UK to arrange or contact NHS 119 via telephone if you do not have internet access.

“Please inform us of any positive results.

“We will continue to teach Year 9 students remotely and will provide further details about how students can access their work.

“Mr Pollard, Home School Leader for Year 9, will also be in touch to confirm arrangements for how we will welcome students back into school when their period of self-isolation is over.

“Thank you for your patience and support in this difficult situation.”

The school will remain open to all other students in Year 7, Year 8, Year 10 and Year 11. Students with siblings in Year 9 can continue to attend school unless they or member of their household develops symptoms.

To read the full letter, visit Saddleworth School’s website:

The confirmed case comes just about a week after all pupils returned for the new school year, with Year 7 pupils starting on Wednesday, September 2 followed by Year 8s to 11s on Thursday (September 3).

Mr Anderson, who took over as headteacher in September, told the Saddleworth Independent at the start of term that staff and pupils are working extremely hard to make the site Covid safe.

Numerous measures have been put in place such as enhanced cleaning throughout the day, staggered arrival, break and lunchtimes, different year group entrances, and sink and sanitiser stations around the school.

Staff supervision has been enhanced significantly around the school during break and lunch times and there is a one-way system in place in the corridors.

One Reply to “Saddleworth School shut to Year 9 pupils for two weeks after confirmed Covid-19 case”

  1. Only the year 9 pupil must self isolate?? So if they do show signs of having Covid 19 and other family members don’t, but are asymptomatic, then that’s a great way to spread this disease.

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