Saddleworth WI embraces technology to keep members in touch and active

SADDLEWORTH Women’s Institute have taken their meetings online to keep members connected as well as carrying out community projects during the coronavirus lockdown.

The group’s usual meetings, trips, events and workshops are on hold but they have turned to technology and social media to keep members entertained, informed and connected.

Their first Members Meeting via Zoom video conferencing was held in June, with guest speaker Beth Butcher from Fulham WI talking about British Sign Language and some basic phrases and the alphabet.

It was a highly successful evening enjoyed by the members who took part.

Beth Butcher from Fulham WI, talking via Zoom about British Sign Language

Meanwhile, the Saddleworth WI’s Book Group held its May meeting via Zoom as they looked to do more in addition to posting book reviews on their Facebook page.

The book ‘The Poster Boy’ by N J Crosskey was discussed by 16 members, with the majority of them recommending it and as usual the book initiated a wider discussion.

The group’s photo challenge is proving to be a big hit with members and sees them taking or posting a photo for the first 26 days of June of something that represents each letters of the alphabet.

The range of photos has been amazing and seeing the new images each day has been very uplifting.

Meanwhile, members are also helping out with local projects and have expanded their range of knitted and sewn items for donation to local hospitals and community.

They have also enrolled in the #CakesofKindness initiative to bake and deliver 100 cakes to isolating and hard-working local recipients.

An email newsletter has gone out to members every couple of weeks, containing useful information and a few tips and light-hearted items.

Their Facebook page has been busy with a weekly Virtual Walk with one clue per day and the answer revealed at the end of the week, a daily riddle and monthly book reviews.

When things get back to ‘normal’ Saddleworth WI meet on the first Wednesday each month at 7pm for 7.30 pm at The White Hart, Stockport Road, Lydgate, OL4 4JJ.

Visitors are very welcome with a small fee of £3. For more information call 07763 028466 or visit the website