Soap star Rob swops Woolpack for the Railway to boost pub portfolio

HE hasn’t yet put in an offer for the Woolpack after his fleeting return to soap land.

Rob Norbury and Katie Sullivan

But former Hollyoaks actor and recent Emmerdale newcomer Rob Norbury HAS added to his pub portfolio.

To the collection of Muse, the Annex and Farrars at Grasscroft, Rob and manager Katie Sullivan, pictured above, are now responsible for boosting the fortunes of the Railway in Greenfield.

They are six weeks into the project, briefly interrupted by Rob’s appearance in Emmerdale as Victoria Barton’s love interest-drayman, Leon.

And while he is open to a longer return to the long-running soap in 2019, Rob is delighted by his acquisition of the Railway – Saddleworth’s main point of call for Ale Trailers.

“I thought about it previously before taking on the Farrars,” he said. “And it has always nagged me at the back of my mind.

“So, when the Railway came up this time I said ‘why not? Hopefully, we can keep the people who have enjoyed it for all these years as well as bringing in a new clientele.

“Sometimes, it may have felt like a bit of a closed shop so we want to make it accessible to more people.”

That will include introducing gin and prosecco to the drinks menu alongside the likes of cask ales, Millstone’s Tiger Rut and Cotton Clouds from Donkeystone.

Traditionalists though needn’t fear mass change. Live music will be readily available Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays including an appearance by Any Numbers and Pagans S.O.H on Friday, December 7 followed by the Curragh Sons on December 23.

Rob has also issued an invitation for other musicians and bands to drop in on other evenings for impromptu jam sessions.

The Railway’s upstairs room will be available for hire from January 2019 while every Saturday throughout December, the Shaw Hall Bank Road hostelry will be selling woodfired made pizzas.

“We didn’t want to see the Railway closed and while I still have some energy left to do things I want to see it succeed.

“We haven’t got a load of money to throw at it despite the misconception of some people.

“I would rather see things better in the places we have rather than have money in the pocket.

“We try our best to offer the best experience across Muse, the Annex, the Farrars and the Railway despite them all having different offerings.

“We want to be inclusive to as many people as possible.”

Rob’s soap comeback lasted three episodes, but he told the Independent: “I am more than willing to go back.

“It was meant to be a closed role but I am going to pester them and see if they will have me back.
“It would be an interesting 2019 if I can get in there a bit more.

“I did get into the Woolpack and what surprised me is they do serve real beer.”

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