Tesco supermarket make changes to the way you shop amid COVID-19 pandemic

Tesco Supermarket has announced is it making significant changes to its stores to improve the safety of its staff and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Following the Prime Minister’s recent announcement, the stores have since implemented several measures:

Food for all

  • To ensure more people have access to everyday essentials, stores have introduced a restriction of 3 items per customer on every product line and removed multi-buy promotions.
  • In product areas where demand is particularly high, ranges have been simplified
  • There is a special hour in stores for NHS workers as a thank you for all they are doing. On Sundays, they can browse larger stores and select their shopping an hour before the checkouts open. Workers will require ID
  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9-10am is designated for the elderly and vulnerable.

Safety for everyone

  • New social distancing measures will be rolled out across stores in the coming days.
  • Floor markings in car parks will help you to maintain safe distances when queuing.
  • A limited number of people will be allowed in stores.
  • Hand sanitisers will be placed around stores with extra cleaning of baskets and trollies in place.
  • New floor markings will help you to keep a safe distance from others while waiting to pay.
  • The installation of protective screens at checkouts.

Customers are advised the following:

  • Please check your store’s opening hours in advance.
  • Before you leave home, please bring enough bags for your shop. If it’s raining, don’t forget an umbrella too, in case you need to queue outside the store.
  • Try to shop with no more than one other person, which will help to reduce the number of people in-store at any one time.
  • Please use cleaning stations to wipe your trolley, basket, or Scan as you Shop handset.
  • If possible, use card or contactless payments.
  • Avoid shopping during dedicated times for vulnerable and elderly people, and NHS workers, and be kind to Tesco colleagues as they’re working hard to serve you; we’re all in this together.

7 Replies to “Tesco supermarket make changes to the way you shop amid COVID-19 pandemic”

  1. can i say it is not only nhs that are working front line and taking care of vulnerable people. I work for a charity and lead a team to ensure vulnerable people with complex needs are kept healthy and looked after to the highest care possible.

    1. You obviously want lots of recognition for it. I take it you get paid. It’s always the team leaders who think they are irreplaceable when in fact its the front line people doing the hard graft that are the irreplaceable people.

  2. Am so pleased to see the staff on checkouts will be behind screens. I felt they were very vulnerable. The star at Greenfield are all so lovely and don’t deserve the abuse from some customers that they have.

  3. Jon Just so you are aware, a hospice is a charity and employ doctors and nurses. also team leaders can be front line looking after patients. these people are not in the NHS but are registered Nurses and Doctors.

    1. I am wondering the same thing… I hope it is as it limits the number of times you touch an item and the cashier does not have to touch it at all. … maybe to ensure/help with social distancing the will only have alternate tills open?

  4. I am a nurse, but work in the private sector (Bupa) who currently care for covid patients. Do I get same priority as nhs staff?

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