The Blue Coat School Oldham asks some pupils to self-isolate after confirmed Covid-19 case

PUPILS at The Blue Coat School Oldham are being asked to self-isolate if they have been in contact with a Year 10 student who has tested positive for Covid-19.

In a letter to parents and carers, headteacher Mr R Higgins announced the confirmed case and explained the measures the school is now taking.

The Blue Coat School Oldham

He wrote: “A member of our school has tested positive for Covid-19. The pupil is in Year 10 and we are asking all pupils in that Year group to stay at home tomorrow (Monday, September 14) while we conduct our own track and trace.

“We are working closely with Oldham’s Public Health Team to reduce the risk of infection for your children and our staff.

“If your child is a contact of the case, we will be in touch with you to tell you the next steps.

“Any contact must self-isolate for 14 days. Only the contact needs to self-isolate, other members of the contact’s household do not need to self-isolate. A contact will be any other student who has met the Public Health England descriptor for contact.

“One confirmed case does not mean an entire year group/class will need to isolate for 14 days.

Headteacher Mr R Higgins

“A contact is a child or adult who has been within 2 metres of the confirmed case for more than 15 minutes, or within 1 metre for 1 minute, or who has been face to face during social time, or who in close contact on designated school transport within 48 hours.

“This information is taken from school management information records, timetables, seating plans and staff observation of pupils. If your child has not been identified as a contact, they do not need to self-isolate.

“It is important that we are all aware of the symptoms of Covid-19 and only well children attend school or childcare settings.

“We will be taking the appropriate action to clean the affected areas across the school. If your child is identified as a contact, please try not to worry. For most people Covid-19 is a mild illness.

“If you or your child develops any of the above symptoms or become unwell, please contact NHS111 or your GP.

“Although Covid-19 is circulating in the community, usual childhood illnesses are too, and it is important that these are not missed. If you have any questions or concerns please refer to our website, or you can contact school by emailing:

It comes just hours after Saddleworth School in Uppermill confirmed a Year 9 pupil had a confirmed case of Covid-19 and so the entire year has been asked to self-isolate until September 24.