Upcoming events by Saddleworth Historical Society

DELVE into the history of ‘Dead but not Forgotten: Church Gravestones, Tombs and Memorials’ at an illustrated talk at Saddleworth Museum.

The presentation, hosted by Saddleworth Historical Society, will be given by Roger Logue (Chairman of the South Pennine History Group) on Wednesday, September 11 at 7.30pm.
Free admission for Society members but a charge on the night of £3 for non-Society members. All are welcome and refreshments will be available.

FIND out about ‘The Manor of Saddleworth, 1200-1834’ at an illustrated talk at Saddleworth Museum.

The presentation, hosted by Saddleworth Historical Society, will be given by Mike Buckley on Wednesday, October 9. It will follow the society’s Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm.
Free admission for Society members but a charge on the night of £3 for non-Society members.  All are welcome and refreshments will be available.


One Reply to “Upcoming events by Saddleworth Historical Society”

  1. The admission fee seems slightly pointless to me, unless it’s directed at guests of paid up members.

    Or is just Saddleworth Museum trying to take their cut. It hardly seems worth the trouble and especially as these local history groups, (like many other such, “groups,”) are as often as much a asocial club for friends who share a common interest as anything else ?

    Nonetheless these groups often do interesting, admirable and sometimes useful research.

    Interesting enough that I’ve occasionally been tempted to attend one of these advertised meeting out of simple curiosity; although the practical constraints of my circumstances probably make that unlikely.

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