Weather forecast: Wednesday December 9 to Sunday December 13

Jon Baylis (deleted f0495e797a559d53fc34263f0b52b4a7)

Jon Baylis has had a passion for the weather since the age of six, when he experienced extreme cold winters to blazing hot sunshine and torrential thunderstorms while living in America.

Using his own personal weather station to record statistics including temperature, rainfall, humidity and wind speed, gusts, and direction, he provides forecasts across Oldham.

Here, he gives a brief outlook for the weather over the next few days.

Follow @ChadWeather on Twitter for all your local weather updates or read Jon’s blog

Winter, meteorologically-speaking, is here but there are no cold temperatures as the weather remains mild for December.

After a record-breaking wettest month for me in November and Storm Desmond causing chaos and staggering high rainfall totals further north, what next?

A windy day on Wednesday with a mild southwesterly bringing some showery rain at times, especially to the north and west. Some areas may stay dry until later. Max 12°C

A cold front moves through on Thursday morning with some sharp bursts of rain followed by fresher and brighter conditions. Still breezy. Max 10°C

For now, Friday looks a settled morning across the region with some welcome bright spells. Feeling fresh and cloud increasing late on bringing some showers. Max 9°C.

Some question marks over the weekend. There is a chance an area of low pressure will develop to our southwest and after a bright, cold, dry start on Saturday it could turn wet with it lasting into Sunday. Max 7-10°C.

November 2015 Stats: Warmest 16.1°C; Coldest -1.7°C; Wettest 29mm; Windiest 53mph; Total Rainfall 231.8mm (record).

Finally I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.