Wish you were here: Pink Floyd tribute band to perform at Smokies Park Hotel

THE sounds of Pink Floyd will be ringing in music lovers’ ears this month as one of the most authentic tribute bands in the UK comes to Oldham.

The amazing Pink Floydian will be performing at Smokies Park Hotel, on Ashton Road in Oldham, on Saturday, April 28.

Gathered together from the cream of North West Pink Floyd loving musicians, Pink Floydian will deliver more than two hours of material covering nine albums.

The band sound extremely close to the original recordings, replicating the incredible sounds of Gilmour, Wright, Mason and Waters with precision and dexterity.

From the lush landscapes of ‘Shine On You Crazy Diamond’ to the haunting refrain of ‘A Great Gig in the Sky’ the band will take listeners through the illustrious recording career of the world’s most successful progressive rock band.

Coupled with spectacular lighting, lasers and video Pink Floydian create an atmosphere which brings memories of this great rock band flooding back.

Tickets cost £15 per person and are available by calling: 0161 785 5006. Food will be available to order on the night.
For more information about Pink Floydian, visit their website: http://pinkfloydian.com