All things Bright and beautiful – new school officially opened

A NEW independent school dedicated to helping children with autism has officially opened in Saddleworth.

Bright Futures on Friezland Lane, Greenfield has been operational since March 2020.

But the Covid-19 pandemic delayed an opportunity for the school to thank everyone associated with the £1 million-plus project – until now.

Daniel Scott, Mayor of Oldham Jenny Harrison and Alison Hughes, Head of Learning, Bright Futures

Pupils and staff were only too pleased to show off the specialist school, transformed beyond recognition from the derelict cow shed that once stood on the site.

Guests of honour included the Mayor of Oldham Councillor Jenny Harrison and three directors Daniel, Peter and Alastair Scott, from family-owned cleaning manufacturer Robert Scott, who funded the scheme.

Bright Futures, founded by Zoe Thompson, was based previously at premises in Grasscroft and Greenacres.

Head of Learning Alison Hughes told guests: “I know the staff will agree with me that Bright Futures has always been a fantastic place to work.

Bright Futures
Nojus (9) enjoys playtime in the sun

“But the fact we have now got such a superb purpose built building, in a beautiful location, has taken us all to a different level.

“A lot of people were involved in getting this project off the ground.

“However, a huge shoutout to the directors of Robert Scott for their magnificent gesture in supporting the building of the school for us.

“It was Daniel’s idea. He came to see me when we were over in Grasscroft, came up with the idea of using a plot of land and the old barn. And here we are today.”

Britgh Futures
Teachers Claire Upton and Sam McManus with seven-year-old Brooklyn

Cllr Harrison said: “I know it has been a long and some times arduous journey for you to get here.

“It has required courage, tenacity bravery, belief and all the other things that inspire and drive people on to do what they know is the right thing to do.

“I would like to thank and congratulate everyone who has been involved in this great project for fighting to secure this provision and having ambition for the future.

“I really look forward to seeing where the journey will take you.”

Addressing visitors Daniel Scott said: “To see the development of the children in the brief time they have been here so far is incredibly humbling.

“This is not what we normally do but it is very rewarding.”

The Mayor and the school made presentations to Daniel as gestures of thanks and appreciation to Robert Scott.

One Reply to “All things Bright and beautiful – new school officially opened”

  1. Maybe put on an additional class to teach parents how to look left up Freizland Lane before pulling out in their 4 X 4’s.

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