Churchill honoured with new sign to Saddleworth playing fields

AN ICONIC Saddleworth playing fields has been given a sign fitting of the iconic figure it is named after – Sir Winston Churchill.

The new notification has been unveiled to mark the 150th anniversary of the man known as the ‘Greatest Briton.’

And as other work is done on the area, which straddles the border between Uppermill and Greenfield, people are not left in doubt of its importance.

The new sign at Churchill Playing Fields in Greenfield. Image by GGC Media

For as well as Churchill’s likeness and signature, it advertises the playing fields as ‘the principal site for grass pitches in Saddleworth.’

Sir Winston, who served as Prime Minister during World War II and subsequently from 1951 to 1955, was the MP for Oldham between 1900 and 1906.

He held several senior offices including twice serving as the First Lord of the Admiralty, the first time during the World War I.

Oldham made him an honorary freeman on April 2, 1941 and Cllr Max Woodvine, who unveiled the new sign, believes it is a fitting way to honour his memory.

Councillor Max Woodvine

He also revealed the local connection to Churchill Playing Fields.

He said: “I am sure that, like me, Saddleworth continues to share in the grateful thanks for Churchill’s life of military and political service.

“It is not an exaggeration to say that he saved Europe from the tyrannical rule of Hitler, which was a very real threat, and he led this country to victory securing the very freedom we enjoy today.

“We haven’t seen the likes of Churchill since and I am not necessarily convinced we will again which is why it is especially important to ensure the memory of this great man lives on for many more years to come.

“When he was the MP for Oldham, Churchill often stayed with Conservative supporters on Clough Lane in Grasscroft.

“From there he would have enjoyed the Saddleworth vistas and views of the Chew Valley which makes this tribute all the more fitting.”

6 Replies to “Churchill honoured with new sign to Saddleworth playing fields”

  1. Haha….he was a Liberal MP for Oldham, not a Tory.

    Typical Tory, rewrite the facts Max, for a good quote.

    A pity as the sign is a nice touch.

  2. The Greatest Briton. If one man stood defiant as Hitler’s hordes blitzed their way across Europe with the UK firmly in their sights, it was Churchill. No mealy-mouthed, spineless politician as of today’s sorry lot, he personified the British Bulldog spirit. A truly great, great man. No praise is high enough and we should never forget it.

  3. Good to have this new sign – hope they clean up Churchill Playing Fields & get rid of all the dog fouling that’s all over the pitches etc.

  4. Visited Churchill playing fields in Greenfield today but couldn’t find the Winston Churchill sign. No one I asked had seen it either. Where is it!

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