Houses at Diggle development go on the market

A SELECTION of houses close to a secondary school in a Saddleworth village, described as ‘eco electric’, have gone on sale.  

The eight-acre development – on land either side of the access road to Saddleworth School in Diggle – was approved last year, despite opposition from the area’s councillors.

Among the concerns were highways safety and the impact on the setting of the clock tower on the neighbouring WH Shaw loom works building.

A representative image of The Hampstead at Broadstone Manor

Housebuilder Redrow says its Broadstone Manor development will eventually feature 70 gas-free ‘eco electric’ homes, all built in natural stone, which include air source heat pumps to provide heating and hot water, as well as underfloor heating to the ground floor.

A spokesperson said the three, four and five-bedroom properties also offer ‘high levels’ of insulation, energy efficient windows and doors, and ‘a host of options and extras’ including energy efficient appliances and smart home technology.

The homes, located off Huddersfield Road, went on sale on Saturday, June 8, from Redrow’s Bishop Meadows development in Royton.

Redrow says nine one and three-bedroom properties are available with a 20 per cent discount to market value to ‘meet local needs’.

The homebuilder says it is also ‘committed’ to offering local employment and training opportunities, as well as protecting existing trees, hedgerows and waterside habitats next to Diggle Brook.

As part of the planning agreement, Redrow has pledged over £365,000 to improve existing recreation spaces in the village – including replacing the play area equipment at Ward Lane, and adding new adventure play / trim trail equipment and an outdoor gym at Diggle Fields.

According to the housebuilder, Oldham Council will also receive £55,000 to help improve habitats for the long-eared owl, as well as woodland and water habitats within the local area.

7 Replies to “Houses at Diggle development go on the market”

  1. Can’t say that I’ve ever seen a Long Eared Owl in Saddleworth or any kind of an Owl for that matter ?

    I’ve seen them, (Owls,) occasionally in other parts of the country though.

    Sounds a bit like those non existent Badger in Soneleigh Park or the equally unobservable Newts in Alexandra Park ?

    1. Those owls must share the same woodland habitat as the imaginary long-eared three-legged Irish Newt that Keith Lucas “discovered” when SDAG were trying to “save Diggle”

    2. I’ve seen 4 different kinds of owls in Diggle as I run and walk my dog around there. Just because you haven’t seen them doesn’t mean they are not there.

    3. You probably won’t unless you are looking for them. But I do hear owls most evenings in Greenfield so they are certainly about.

  2. Can we have a duck hut and island on the pond please with a few of those pounds ?? And a bandstand on the green for our local festivities ?

  3. I see the builders do not include people who would like to live in a single storey property.
    Older and less mobile folks continue to be invisible. What happened to inclusivity!
    Why not offer a few bungalows to give a more balanced demographic on a new development. Thanks , ????

  4. The price of these houses is astronomical. Their Henley house type is £800k initially and will rise with each release. Then you have the scam estate maintenance fee to pay each year for any green space. According to their own plans, there is very little green space and it could all have been incorporated into individual property’s plots. Then there is the chaos with traffic at school start and end times. The development is bound to be used by parents collecting their children. You would have to be crazy to buy a house here.

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