HRT is hot topic as Law Firm offers to pay staff prescriptions

A CARING firm is backing its female staff by offering to pay hormone replacement therapy (HRT) prescription costs to help their female employees through the menopause.

From April, Pearson Solicitors and Financial Advisers, which has three offices across North Manchester, will pay for any HRT medication needed by staff and has also developed a menopause policy to share across the firm from Spring.

“Around 78 per cent of our staff are female and we want to give our employees the confidence to come forward if any issues surrounding the menopause are affecting them and be assured they will be dealt with in a sympathetic, understanding and above all professional manner,” said Joanne Ormston, Pearson Director and Practice Manager.

Joanne Ormston – Pearson Solicitors staff.

The firm is also investing in training teams on understanding the menopause and how it might affect their colleagues.

And they will have a point of contact for staff and someone to talk to in the first instance as well as developing a menopause friendly workspace.

“While symptoms may vary we realise it can be a tough time and want to take practical steps to help our staff,” added Joanne.

“This involves not only paying for any HRT but also making any adjustments to make our workplace a kinder place to be.

“We want a culture where all our staff can talk openly about issues affecting them and can seek support when such issues affect their working lives.”

The topic has hit the headlines recently with Labour MP Carolyn Harris seeking a private members bill to abolish charges for HRT. HRT medication is currently free in Wales and Scotland, but in England it costs £9.34 for each prescription item.

It is estimated 1.6 million sick days are lost every year, with an estimated 900,000 women leaving work, many at the peak of their careers, entirely due to the impact of the menopause.

“Alongside our flexible working and family-friendly policies it makes absolute sense to support our staff through this period in their lives, they bring a wealth of experience to our business and we don’t want to lose their input so anything we can do to help makes sense,” added Joanne.

• Find out more about Pearson on their website:

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