A LARGE Delph house that is being built has been cleared of breaching planning regulations.
The size of Cribbstones, which is being constructed on Delph New Road, and its steel frame have led to questions about what it will actually become.
However, Saddleworth Independent has learned Oldham Council is satisfied nothing has been breached.
Saddleworth North Councillor Pam Byrne flagged up the development to planning officers after receiving queries from residents.

Permission to demolish the house that stood there and replace it with a two-storey structure and adjoining garage was granted in June.
But she said: “I have questioned planning, who went see right away if there were any breaches of the application.
“They were happy that there were none. It is a very large house which ‘has a steel frame as opposed to wood.’
“My memory of the planning application is that it was in a different position but planning says not.”
Cribbstones, which was applied for by Joanne Clark and which has four bedrooms, each with en suite facilities and one being a master suite, was always flagged as being big.

But despite concerns being raised, it has been given the all clear.
In fact, documents supporting the application refer to its size, saying: “The existing house is to be removed and replaced with the new dwelling.
“It is accepted that the proposed house will be a large residential property, however it is considered that it is appropriate for the site and setting, and in accordance with policy.

“While the house is not within the conservation area, detailing will be mindful and respectful of the local characteristics as described in Oldham Council’s ‘Delph Conservation Area Character Appraisal.’
“The house will also incorporate ‘lifetime homes’ allowances for the future including possible ground floor bedroom suite and lift provision.”
How exciting, a new Tesco in Delph!
Thank goodness! I thought it was a house!
???? that’s funny! It’s rather large.
Busy-body Pam Byrne knows NOTHING abojt planning regulations but still wastes everyone’s time and money complaining to the council . Total egg-on-face for her
How rude of you. Sometimes ‘busy bodies’ are the only protection the rest of us have from dubious decisions by the council!
Totally agree with you she was asked the question, she got the answer. An old saying “It’s only them that do nothing that never make a mistake” Suggest he stands for council and finds out what it’s all about.
Pam Byrne is a hard-working VOLUNTARY local councillor with extensive local knowledge and does a lot of good for Saddleworth. I vote for the person, rather than the party, at Parish and OMBC levels. and would vote for Ms Byrne if I lived within her ward.
This construction been ongoing for months and the steel frame has already been erected, a bit late to start quibbling abut planning permission ?
Looks like a fabulous house going up….all credit to the design and build team. We need loads more of these in the Saddleworth area.