Oldham students overcome adversity to triumph in GCSEs

HARD work has paid off for Year 11 students across Oldham for whom the nervous wait to collect their GCSE results is over. 

Thursday (August 22) was largely a day of celebration for staff and pupils at E-ACT The Oldham Academy North and E-ACT Royton and Crompton.

Despite the challenges of the last few years, exacerbated by the Covid pandemic, both schools have plenty of success stories to report from when their teenagers sat exams in May and June.

Inaaya and Sophia

Nearly half (48 per cent) of all students at E-ACT The Oldham North Academy achieved strong passes (Grade five or above) in both English and Maths – which has increased by seven per cent on last year.

The academy, on Broadway, has also seen a rise in top-tier grades – nine to seven – in subjects like Maths, Science, Chemistry, Physics and Computing.

Additionally, it reported “significant success” in practical and vocational courses and said it achieved its “best ever” results in Sport (95 per cent Distinction *) and Child Development (94 per cent).

Among the top achieving students were Hasini Amarasingh, who received five Grade 9s, three Grade 8s, a Grade 7 and a Level 2 Distinction in Child Development. Hasini is going on to study A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths at Blue Coat Sixth Form.

Niyazur Rahman will study A-Levels in Maths, Chemistry and Biology after achieving seven Grade 9s, a Grade 8 and two Grade 7s.

Ella Mclaughlin is heading to Oldham Sixth Form College after receiving three Grade 9s in History, Religious Studies and English Language, as well as a mix of Grade 8s, 7s and 6s.

James Heney is hoping to go to Hopwood Hall to study Uniform Public Services after achieving a mix of Grade 4s, 5s and 6s.

Jessica Giraud, the academy’s head teacher, commented: “It’s wonderful to see our students smiling and celebrating what is the culmination of years of hard work.

“I’m incredibly proud of what they have achieved. I have no doubt that they will go on to do great things and wish them all the very best, whatever their next steps may be.”

There was much to celebrate, too, at E-ACT Royton and Crompton, based on Blackshaw Lane.

Khatun Saima achieved five Grade 9s, three Grade 8s and a Grade 7.

Atif Armaan received two Grade 9s, three Grade 8s, two Grade 7s, one Grade 6 and a Level 2 distinction in Sports Studies.

Ali Anisa celebrated two Grade 9s, two Grade 8s, three Grade 7s, one Grade 5 and a Level 2 Distinction * in Childcare.

The school’s head teacher reflected proudly on what the Class of 2024 have collectively achieved, with the support of staff.

“I am so proud of our amazing students and want to say well done to them all,” said Gemma Cottingham.

“I have loved seeing so many happy and smiling faces in our academy corridors today and I know these young people absolutely deserve the grades they’ve received.

“So much hard work has gone into the results, and it is fantastic to see this rewarded.”