Roadworks completion boost for Diggle

DIGGLE residents have received an early Christmas present with the near completion of major roadworks in the village.

Contractors remain on site applying the final touches to the scheme at the entrance/exit to the village.

Temporary traffic lights remain in place on Huddersfield Road

But Huddersfield Road is now open to two-way traffic, albeit under temporary traffic lights, after the removal of temporary signals and circuitous diversion route.

Since April 2021, traffic has been re-routed  along the A 670 Standedge Road, across the A62 towards Marsden before turning right into Huddersfield Road and down into Diggle.

A new footpath now links Standedge Road and Huddersfield Road and when finished a crossing point, under traffic lights, will be implemented.

Work is taking place in readiness for the opening of the new Saddleworth School, scheduled for early 2022.

3 Replies to “Roadworks completion boost for Diggle”

  1. Looking brilliant, we walked along there this morning and all the works are such an improvement, I’d forgotten what a grotty entrance we used to have to our village, nice and smart now. Thanks 😊

  2. The previous message wasn’t written by anyone who observed the flooding of the carriageway during the recent heavy rain which appears to have increased since roughly 40 mature trees were felled which helped soak up the excess at the entrance to Diggle.
    I have never been part of the action group opposing the school but find it difficult to accept that houses with even numbers receive at least 2 parking places at the rear of their properties while those with odd numbers are expected to do battle with parents in what is supposed to be a residents only car park, OMBC won’t even allow us 2 numbered spaces per house.
    Already (without the school being open yet) I alone have had 2 examples of drivers being incapable of reading the large white letters on the road which for the hard of thinking read “KEEP CLEAR”.
    As for the 4.4 mile detour to achieve what would usually be about a 150yd trip, Id like to ask who pays my fuel bill at 2 trips in and out each day?
    Ask the residents of Spurn Lane how they feel about the increased traffic caused by the current works, a bearded gentleman chose to put his bin in the middle of the Lane in front of my car after he had ‘suffered’ a week or two increased traffic, I can’t imagine what he would do if he’d lived in my house at the bottleneck, I’ve tolerated a bad Rd for almost 30 years and the bad news for those on Spurn/Ward Lane is that it won’t get any better when parents continue to use them as rat-runs to avoid the chaos of dropping Matilda and Felix off at the new school.
    OMBC and some local residents are a disgrace.

  3. You obviously haven’t lived in this bottleneck for almost 3 decades. Flooding where 40 trees were felled won’t get any better now its a mainly concrete structure. I look forward to you trying to get in or out of Diggle when the school opens .
    I’m not and never have been part of the anti-school campaign, simply someone who knows this section of Rd and believes OMBC have dumped upon us from great height to achieve the dream of more council tax to squander from the houses built on the current school site.

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