AUTUMN may be on the horizon, with the occasional chill in the air, but that means Saddleworth’s beauty will be seem in even more vivid colours.
And Saddleworth Independent readers have not disappointed with this month’s selection of photos.
This month’s star image, and a £20 prize, goes to David Turner, who caught the scene of a bright blue sky behind a street scene in Diggle.

The seasons changing also means brilliant tones cast on the area’s countryside, as snapped by Des Thorpe, Nigel Barnes, Louise Reed and Tony Wallace.
Nature also laps it up, as Rachel Bean caught brilliantly while Mark Hirst managed to get a young fawn staring down his lens.

Ironically given the talk of colour, Yvonne Barker’s back and white shot made for a dramatic image and an impromptu visit to the area by the Red Arrows was captured by Mark Shuttelworth.
• If you want to contribute to Saddleworth Captured, you can email photos as a JPEG
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