ENTHUSIASTIC VOLUNTEERS are being sought to help out at the popular ‘Yanks Are Back In Saddleworth’ extravaganza this summer. The annual event, which attracted thousands…
View More Enthusiastic volunteers needed to help at Yanks extravaganzaTag: 1940s
First ever Swing Fling thrills at The Clarence in Greenfield
A SWINGING 40s event brought fun and laughter to a popular Greenfield pub. The Clarence on Chew Valley Road was filled with vintage outfits and…
View More First ever Swing Fling thrills at The Clarence in GreenfieldSaddleworth transported back to wartime for popular Pennine 1940s weekend
By Mark Barrow A SCENIC Saddleworth hamlet was transported back to wartime as a host of military vehicles and entertainers descended for the annual Pennine…
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