Uppermill to shine bright in memory of Christmas lights organiser Paul Lowcock

UPPERMILL will shine brightly this festive season in memory of key Christmas lights organiser Paul Lowcock.

Paul Lowcock

Community stalwart Paul died suddenly in February and his contribution to lighting up the village, along with Cllr Pam Byrne, will be sorely missed.

Cllr Byrne said: “Early this year Paul suddenly became ill and sadly died. There had only been the two of us, with Paul doing the greater part of the work, for the lighting of Uppermill.

“Paul’s family Gill and Vicky and the Saddleworth Round Table, who organise the parade, have offered to come on board to keep this alive.

“This year the Christmas Tree in The Square will have ‘Paul’s Star’ on top in his memory.

“Last year we financed the lighting of the museum, a starting point for the parade, and subsequent activities before the Firework Display.

“We have lights to maintain to keep us bright and Paul had always hoped to light up in the trees in The Square but the cost has always been out of our reach.

“We will strive to do this in memory of Paul when we can afford it.

“We hope that you will light up your businesses and houses with soft white lights to give the village that wow factor.

“We would of course appreciate any donations towards our future plans. These can be given to Pauls Quality Meats for the attention of Vicky, Gill or Cllr Pam Byrne. Cheques paid to Winter Wonderland.”

For more information call Cllr Pam Byrne on 07703 348755 or email pam.byrne@oldham.gov.uk